61-63 High Street,
Littlehampton, BN17 5EJ
I came from a Parachute regiment family, so needless to say was brought up fit. I was the district champion 200m sprinter by age 12. I spent much of my youth in a boxing club and running until a lovely family moved on our street and I was soon invited to Kung Fu lessons by their father who was a Sifu. I started at age 9 and continued through my school years. I maximised my learning at age 12 when Lau Gar Kung Fu also came to my town, with world champion Kevin Brewton as Sifu. From this point I never stopped and continue to learn.
I developed further by a career in the Parachute regiment and Special forces group, leading to nearly 10 years as a bodyguard and physical mentor. British Military Martial Arts was a natural progression for me and gave me a chance to group my skill set, promote and teach martial arts in my community.